
Materi Kelas 3 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "Benefit of Plant"

Materi Kelas 3 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "Benefit of Plant" - Halo adik adik yang baik, pada kesempatan kali ini kakak ingin membagikan kepada adik adik mengenai materi yang telah kakak susun, materi ini kakak ambil dari mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk adik adik yang duduk dibangku kelas III SD/MI mengenai "Benefit of Plant".  Materi ini bisa adik adik pelajari karena dilengkapi dengan cara Reading, Write, Vocabulary dan Taks yang bisa adik adik kerjakan dirumah. Semoga bermanfaat untuk adik adik Salam pendidikan dari bospedia.com. Semoga bermanfaat

Materi Kelas 3 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "Benefit of Plant"
Materi Kelas 3 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "Benefit of Plant" 


A Plants are beneficial for human and animal life
The Benefit of the Plants
  1. A Food source
  2. An Industrial raw materials
  3. A Clothing material
  4. A Natural coloring and health
Source Food
The Plants are a source of protein for humans is called vegetables protein.
Examples of the plants as a food source:
  1. Vegetables : Spinach, mustard greens, kale, long beans.
  2. Fruits : Banana, apple, guava, pieapple, pear, avocado, dragon fruit, mangosteen.
Industrial raw materials
The materials usually used for industrial materials is wood and bamboo. Usually wood is used to make chairs, tables. The Wood is used teak, because it last longer.

Clothing Materials
We use the clothes comes from cutton plants. The cotton spun into a yarn, the yarn woven into a cloth then the cloth sewn into a clothes.

The Plants can be use as a traditional medicine. There are take leaf, seed, root, fruit, rhizome.
  1. Leaf: Betel leaf, guava leaf, papaya leaf, cat whiskers.
  2. Seed: Areca nut, coriander.
  3. Root: Papaya root.
  4. Fruit: Lime, carrot, aloe vera
  5. Rhizome: Ginger, turmeric


Edo: “Hi Udin”
Udin: “Hi Edo”
Edo: “What is the benefit of ginger?”
Udin: “ It’s can warm the body”
Edo: “That is all?”
Udin: “Help digesion”
Edo: “ Oh,I see”
Udin: “ The Giger is also use for treat fever, cough, and colds”
Edo: “Lots of benefits of ginger”
Udin: “ Of course”
Edo: “ Thankyou Udin”
Udin: “ You are welcome Edo”


  • Benefit: Manfaat
  • Plant: Tumbuhan
  • For: Untuk
  • Human: Manusia
  • Animal: Hewan
  • Life: Kehidupan
  • Food source: Makanan pokok
  • Raw material: Bahan baku
  • Industrial: Industri
  • Kitchen equipmet: Alat dapur
  • Clothing material: Bahan sandang
  • Natural coloring: Pewarna alami
  • Healthy: Kesehatan
  • Protein: Protein
  • Called: Memanggilnya
  • Vegetables protein: Protein nabati
  • Example: Contoh
  • Spinach: Bayam
  • Mustard green: Sawi
  • Kale: Kangkung
  • Long bean: Kacang panjang
  • Fruit: Buah
  • Banana: Pisang
  • Apple: Apel
  • Guava: Jambu
  • Pienapple: Anggur
  • Pear: Pir
  • Avocado: Alpukat
  • Dragon fruit: Buah naga
  • Mangosteen: Manggis
  • Usually: Biasanya
  • Use: Mengunakan
  • Cutton: kapas
  • Spun: Dipintal
  • Into: Menjadi
  • Yarn: Benang
  • Woven: Ditenun
  • Cloth: Kain
  • Sewn: Dijahit
  • Medicine: Obat
  • Ginger: Jahe
  • Turmeric: Kunyit
  • Lime: Jeruk nipis
  • Aloe vera: Lidah buaya
  • Cat whiskers: Kumis kucing
  • Betel leaf: Daun suruh
  • Warm: Menghangatkan
  • Wood: Kayu
  • Make: Membuat
  • Chairs: Kursi
  • Table: Meja
  • Teak: Kayu jati
  • Because: Karena
  • Last longer: Tahan lama
  • Can: Bisa
  • Kitchen: Dapur
  • Tree: Pohon
  • Cypress: Cemara
  • Bambbo: Bambu
  • Coconut: Kelapa
  • Clothes: Pakaian
  • We: Kita
  • From: Berasal
  • Traditional: Tradisional
  • Take: Mengambil
  • Leaf: Daun
  • Seed: Biji
  • Root: Akar
  • Fruit: Buah
  • Rhizome: Rimpang
  • Areca nut: Pinang
  • Coriander: Ketumbar
  • Body: Badan
  • That is all: Yang lainnya
  • Help: Membantu
  • Digesion: Pencernaan
  • Also: Juga
  • Treat: Mengobati
  • Fever: Demam
  • Cough: Batuk
  • Colds: Masuk angin
  • Lots: Banyak


Write the benefits of plants with choices : Source Food, Industrial raw materials, Clothing materials, and Healthy!


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