
Materi Kelas 6 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "Globalization Around Me"

Materi Kelas 6 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "Globalization Around Me" - Hai adik adik yang baik, nah masih bersama kakak , kali ini kakak bospedia ingin membagikan kepada adik adik mengenai materi yang telah kakak susun, materi ini merupakan materi yang dilengkapi dengan soal dan kunci jawaban dalam mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris mengenai "Globalization Around Me" .  Materi ini bisa adik adik pelajari karena dilengkapi dengan cara Reading, Write, Vocabulary dan Taks yang bisa adik adik kerjakan dirumah. Semoga bermanfaat untuk adik adik Salam pendidikan dari bospedia.com. Semoga bermanfaat.

Materi Kelas 6 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "Globalization Around Me"
Materi Kelas 6 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "Globalization Around Me" 


Globalization: A world without borders

Globalization can be interpreted as a process 'Worldwide'. The whole nation and the country on earth are increasingly connected to one another. As if it was no longer separated by its boundaries. This era of globalization seems "A world without limits".

We can easily find various products from Japan, Korea, China, America, Germany, and various other countries. Indonesian products can also be found in many countries. We also easily watch live broadcasts from various parts of the world through television shows.

Batik, Indonesian Traditional Art that is Global
The art of batik comes from traditional art created for court officials in the royal era in the Island. Along with its development, now batik cloth has been used by various groups, even globalized. On October 2, 2009, UNESCO gave recognition and authorized Indonesian official batik as a world cultural heritage. In its history, Java is the starting point for the development of batik art in Indonesia, Various motif differentiated by region of manufacture. Inland Batik and Coastal Batik . The various motifs and symbols depicted on the cloth has a philosophical meaning which serves as a guide to life. Indonesian batik is used as souvenirs when someone visits Indonesia. Preservation of batik as a traditional art must continue to be developed and maintained to increase the selling power and welfare of its craftsmen.

Produce Electrical Energy

Electricity has an important role in the era of globalization. Globalization occurs because of technological developments in various fields, supported by roles electricity. Electricity is an integral part of everyday life. So, when the electricity in the house is suddenly broken, it becomes quite disturbing. 

Factors that cause the lights to die include: unpreparedness of plants, disruption of transmission or disruption of distribution. The influential factors can be from the outside and from inside. The external factor is a natural abnormalities such as lightning, trees, and animals that touch the network. While the factor is interference with the components and equipment installed on the network.


Answer the question questions below correctly!
1. Globalization can be interpreted as ...
Answer: "Worldwide" Process

2. What date is batik recognized by UNESCO that batik is officially a world heritage?
Answer: October 2, 2009

3. Which area is the starting point for batik development?
Answer: Java

4. What’s the factors that cause the lights to die?
Answer: Interference in transmission or distribution

5. What’s the external factors that affect the distribution disruption?
Answer: Lightning, trees and animals that touch the network


  • Perbatasan: Borders
  • Diterjemahkan:Interpreted
  • Seluruh dunia: Worldwide
  • Seluruh: Whole
  • Bangsa: Nation
  • Bumi: Earth
  • Terhubung: Connected
  • Semakin lama: Increasingly
  • Lebih lama: Longer
  • Dipisahkan: Separated
  • Batas: Boundaries
  • Siaran: Broadcast
  • Berbagai: Various
  • Pejabat: Officials
  • Istana: Palace
  • Pengembangan: Development
  • Pengakuan: Recognition
  • Disahkan: Endorsed
  • Warisan: Heritage
  • Dibedakan: Distinguished
  • Pembuatan: Manufacture
  • Digambarkan: Depicted
  • Pedoman: Guidelines
  • Pelestarian: Preservation
  • Jual: Selling
  • Kesejahteraan: Welfare
  • Pengrajin: Craftsmen
  • Pengembangan: Development
  • Terjadi: Occurs
  • Peran: Roles
  • Tiba-tiba: Suddenly
  • Cukup: Quite
  • Mengganggu: Disturbing
  • Ketidaksiapan: Unpreparedness
  • Gangguan: Disruption
  • Kilat: Lightning
  • Tisu: Tissue
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