
Materi Kelas 5 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "The Importance of Maintaining Healthy Food Intake"

Materi Kelas 5 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "The Importance of Maintaining Healthy Food Intake" - Halo adik adik yang baik pada kesempatan yang baik ini kakak ingin membagikan kepada adik adik mengenai materi, materi kali ini merupakan materi yang kakak ambil dari mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris tentang "The Importance of Maintaining Healthy Food Intake" . Materi ini bisa adik adik pelajari karena dilengkapi dengan cara Reading, Write, Vocabulary dan Taks yang bisa adik adik kerjakan dirumah. Semoga bermanfaat untuk adik adik Salam pendidikan dari bospedia.com. Semoga bermanfaat.

Materi Kelas 5 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "The Importance of Maintaining Healthy Food Intake"
Materi Kelas 5 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "The Importance of Maintaining Healthy Food Intake"


Fruit and Benefits

The fruit can be protected from various diseases, by eating the fruit will get nutrition and maintain our health.

Fruit Benefits :
  1. Source of vitamins. Fruit is a source of vitamins, various types of fruit are found in fruit. For example, vitamin C is found in orange, vitamin A is found in apple
  2. Water and nutrition sources. Fruit is a source of water for the body. Examples contain water are watermelon, melon, pear
  3. Source of antioxidant
  4. Avoid disease
  5. Body medicine, For example oranges to treat sprue, papaya for digestion


Beni: “Do you know, banana have many benefits. The benefits for indigestion”

Edo: “Are you serious?”

Beni: “Yes banana include to local fruits and many benefits”

The benefits of bananas for digestion

Bananas can prevent uncle's stomach from indigestion. Banana have a soft texture and soft meat. Banana can coat the walls of the stomach and intestines. Bananas also help inflaming the stomach and intestines by mixing bananas with milk and water.


Edo: “Very interesthing our learning activities today”

Beni: “ Yes, I see you are busy doing work, have you had lunch?”

Edo: “I forget about it, later my stomach can recur, later we will study the digestive system, I need energy to concentrate”

Beni: “The body need energy from the food we consume and digested by the digestive system. Let’s have lunch”

Edo: “Come on, thank you for reminding me”


  • Menarik: Interesting
  • Belajar: Learning
  • Hari ini: Today
  • Melihat: See
  • Makan siang: Lunch
  • Lupa: Forget
  • Lambung: Stomach
  • Kambuh: Recur
  • Pencernaan: Digestive
  • Membutuhkan: Need
  • Konsentrasi: Concentrate
  • Konsumsi: Consume
  • Dicerna: Digested
  • Mengingatkan: Reminding
  • Manfaat: Benefit
  • Mencegah: Avoid
  • Variasi: Various
  • Penyakit: Disease
  • Sumber: Source
  • Mengandung: Contain
  • Antioksidan: Antioxidant
  • Mengobati: Treat
  • Obat: Medicine
  • Sariawa: Sprue
  • Mengatasi: Overcome
  • Gangguan: Disorders
  • Termasuk: Include
  • Maag: Ulcer
  • Lembut: Soft
  • Teksture: Texture
  • Usus: Intestinal
  • Mencegah: Prevent
  • Daging: Meat
  • Lapisan: Coat
  • Wall: Dinding
  • Peradangan: Inflammation
  • Mencampurkan: Mixing


Answer the following questions!

1. From which the body get energy source?
Answer: From the food we consume

2. Mention the fruits that have vitamin A!
Answer: Apple, grape, mango, melon

3. Mention the fruits that have lots of water!
Answer: Watermelon, melon, pear

4. Mention fruit that can used medicine!
Answer: Orange, Lime, Guava, Coconut, Lemon

5. Mention 3 benefits of fruit!
Answer: Source of vitamin, Water and nutrition sources, Source of antioxidant

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