
Materi Kelas 6 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "Come On, Become an Inventor"

Materi Kelas 6 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "Come On, Become an Inventor" - Hai adik adik yang baik, pada kesempatan kali ini kakak ingin membagikan kepada adik adik mengenai Materi yang telah kakak susun, materi ini kakak ambil dari mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris dalam pembahasan "Come On, Become an Inventor" yang bisa adik adik miliki dengan cara download pada link dibawah.  Materi ini bisa adik adik pelajari karena dilengkapi dengan cara Reading, Write, Vocabulary dan Taks yang bisa adik adik kerjakan dirumah. Semoga bermanfaat untuk adik adik Salam pendidikan dari bospedia.com. Semoga bermanfaat.

Materi Kelas 6 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "Come On, Become an Inventor"
Materi Kelas 6 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "Come On, Become an Inventor" 


Early Discipline and Hard Work from an Innovation Brilliant

Prof. DR. Ing. Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie
Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie is the third Indonesian president who is the pride of the people of Indonesia. He was born in Pare Pare, South Sulawesi, on June 25, 1936. Habibie's childhood was spent in Pare-Pare. The attitude of being disciplined, hard-working, and high spirited is shown from childhood.

He continued his high school in Bandung and his achievements always punched. After high school, he continued his studies at ITB and then received a scholarship to study in Germany majoring in Construction Aircraft and then worked in the German aircraft industry. Because of his discipline and hard work he was trusted to be the Director and Seniorn Advisor of the Technology.

In 1974, Habibie was asked to return to his country and become a government advisor in aircraft technology. He became the State Minister of Research and Technology to become the 3rd Vice President and President of the Republic of Indonesia.

Habibie contributed various inventions and theories in the field of aircraft construction, such as the "Habibie Factor", "Habibie Theorem" and "Habibie Method". He was nicknamed "Mr. Crack for finding a formula for calculating aircraft defects. In 1976, Habibie founded the first aircraft industry in the Southeast Asia region, PT Nurtonio and other strategic industries.

Guglielmo Marconi, The Founder of Radio

Guglielmo Marconi
Born in Bologna, Italy, on April 25, 1874. In 1895, he began his research to find a cordless telegraph. It was the forerunner to the radio. In 1897, Marconi presented his findings. Communication device using wireless signals that can reach a distance of 19.3 km.

In 1901, Marconi proved that wireless waves would not be disturbed by the curvature of the earth. He spread the first radio signal as far as 3,380 km until it touched the Atlantic Ocean. Research continues to develop, he also found other communication devices that use wireless wave, that is the telegraph, radio, and radar.

History of Discovery of Volleyball

The volleyball game has been known since the Middle Ages, Roman. Then this game was introduced in Germany in 1893 with the name "Fastball", two years later.

This sport was invented by William G. Morgan in 1895. William G. Morgan Director of the YMCA (Young Men Christian Association) in the city of Holyoke,Massachusetts state, The United States tries such games called Minonette.

The basis used by the Minonette game was to beat the ball back and forth in the air, then the Minonette game was later changed to volleyball. The volleyball goes into Indonesia in 1928 during the Dutch colonial period.


Answer the questions below correctly and clearly!

1.What is the name of the 3rd RI President?
Answer: Prof. DR. Ing. Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie

2.Where is the 3rd RI President born?
Answer: Pare-Pare

3.Mention 3 theories of the 3rd RI President in the field of aircraft development!
Answer: Habibie's factors, Habibie's theorem and Habibie's method.

4.When was Guglielmo Marconi born?
Answer: April 25, 1874

5.In what year did Guglielmo Marconi prove that wireless waves would not be disturbed by the curve of the earth?
Answer: 1901

6.What are the wireless wave communication devices found by Guglielmo?
Answer: Telegram, Radio and Radar technology

7. What is the name of volleyball in 1893?
Answer: Fastball

8. What is the name of the inventor of volleyball?
Answer: G. Morgan

9. What year was volleyball found?
Answer: 1893

10. In what year did volleyball enter Indonesia?
Answer: 1928


  • Menghitung: Calculating
  • Wilayah: Region
  • Cacat: Defect
  • Penelitian: Research
  • Ditemukan: Found
  • Tanpa kabel: Cordless
  • Pelopor: Forerunner
  • Temuan: Findings
  • Mampu: Capable
  • Jarak: Distance
  • Nirkabel: Wireless
  • Ombak: Waves
  • Terganggu: Disturbed
  • Kurva: Curves
  • Ketiga: Third
  • Kebanggan: Pride
  • Menghabiskan: Spent
  • Masa kecil: Childhood
  • Sikap: Attitude
  • Disiplin: Disciplined
  • Tampil: Shown
  • Prestasi: Achievements
  • Ditekan: Punched
  • Beasiswa: Scholarship
  • jurusan: Majoring
  • Pesawat: Aircraft
  • Pemerintah: Government
  • Penasihat: Adviser

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