
Materi Kelas 6 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "Fruitful Work of Success"

Materi Kelas 6 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "Fruitful Work of Success" - Halo adik adik yang baik, nah pada kesempatan kali ini kakak ingin membagikan kepada adik adik mengenai materi yang telah kakak susun dan kakak rangkum yang bisa adik adik download pada link dibawah, materi ini merupakan materi dari bahasa Inggris yang pembahasannya adalah "Fruitful Work of Success".  Materi ini bisa adik adik pelajari karena dilengkapi dengan cara Reading, Write, Vocabulary dan Taks yang bisa adik adik kerjakan dirumah. Semoga bermanfaat untuk adik adik Salam pendidikan dari bospedia.com. Semoga bermanfaat.

Materi Kelas 6 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "Fruitful Work of Success"
Materi Kelas 6 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "Fruitful Work of Success" 


Learning Experience from ASEAN Countries

Udin, Edo, Beni, Siti, Dayu, Lani and their classmates visited the ASEAN cultural exhibition held by Secretariat ASEAN located in Jakarta. Arriving at the exhibition arena, Udin spent a lot time on the platform which presented various information about the role of ASEAN in developing small entrepreneurs. There are various creative products there such as leather jackets from Indonesia, canned candied fruit from Thailand, classic coffee brewers from Vietnam.

Beni is interested in the Brunei State bridge showing Wayang Asik. At present, Brunei is trying to rebuild the interest of the community to study Wayang Asik. The interesting thing for Beni is to see the innovations made by the Brunei bridge to introduce Wayang Asik. This Wayang Asik displays a small human figure. The height of the doll is only about eight to ten cm. This puppet is made of thick paper with a wooden handle.

Udin and his friends also participated in various competitions held by several

Fruitful Work of Success

Reza Nurhilman
Born from a family that is less able to make Reza Nurhilman must think hard to help family life. In the midst of family economic pressure, one day Reza decided to sell cassava chips.

The idea of processing cassava chips turned out to be able to make snacks popular and have more selling value. This product is even worldwide.

Reza success achieved is due to his hard work. Old man 24-year-old started an entrepreneur from scratch. Now Reza's income has penetrated billions of rupiah. Success does not come by itself, but to achieve it requires hard work and confidence.

Gaining Achievement, Developing Economic Potential

Indonesia is again trusted to hold the 26th SEA Games event.
The 26th SEA Games were held on 11-26 November 2011. Bumi Sriwijaya (Palembang) was appointed as the host of the SEA Games next to Jakarta which hosted supporters. There are at least 3 successes achieved by Indonesia related to the implementation of the 26th SEA Games, namely successful achievements, successful implementation, and success in improving this sector in improving the economy.

Economic Sector Improvement

Ahead of the event, growth provincial economy has increased by 6.4% physical development of the facilities and infrastructure of the SEA Games used hard work. This economic stretch can be seen from the construction of a number of new hotels, absorbing around 4,000 workers for development, and increasing activities at the craft center to make souvenirs. Around 5,000 athletes from Southeast Asian countries, including from Indonesia, will participate in this event.


Answer the questions below properly and correctly

1. Creative products from Indonesia are ...
Answer: Leather jackets

2. How tall is the Puppet Asik?
Answer: 8-10 cm

3. What is Wayang Asik made from?
Answer: Thailand 

4. Canned fruit’s candies come from...
Answer: Thick paper with wooden handles

5. Who are the entrepreneurs who are not shy about selling cassava chips?
Answer: Reza Nurhilman

6. When and where were the 26th SEA Games held?
Answer: 11-26 November 2011 in Palembang

7. What is the percentage of economic growth is ahead of the event?
Answer: 6.4%

8. “ Wordwide” in Indonesian language is ...
Answer: Seluruh Dunia

9. “Confidence” in Indonesian language is ...
Answer: Keyakinan

10. “Puppet” in Indonesian language is ...
Answer: Wayang


  • Hancurkan: Crush
  • Seluruh dunia: Worldwide
  • Singkong: Cassava
  • Gores: Scratch
  • Diperoleh: Gained
  • Diri: Itself
  • Mencapai: Achieve
  • Keyakinan: Confidence
  • Dibutuhkan: Needed
  • Ditetapkan: Appointed
  • Di-Host: Hosted
  • Implementasi: Implementation
  • Meningkat: Increased
  • Menyerap: Absorbing
  • Termasuk: Including
  • Budaya: Cultural
  • Dimiliki: Held
  • Tiba: Arrive
  • Pameran: Exhibition
  • Menghabiskan: Spent
  • Peron: Platform
  • Disajikan: Presented
  • Peran: Role
  • Kulit: Leather
  • Menarik: Interest
  • Wayang: Puppet
  • Ditangani: Handle
  • Beberapa: Several
  • Tengah: Midst
  • Berhasil: Succeeded

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