
Materi Kelas 6 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "Globalization and its Benefits"

Materi Kelas 6 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "Globalization and its Benefits - Hai adik adik yang baik, pada kesempatan yang baik ini, kakak ingin membagikan sedikit materi yang sudah dirangkum, materi ini kakak ambil dari mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Mengenai "Globalization and its Benefits" .  Materi ini bisa adik adik pelajari karena dilengkapi dengan cara Reading, Write, Vocabulary dan Taks yang bisa adik adik kerjakan dirumah. Semoga bermanfaat untuk adik adik Salam pendidikan dari bospedia.com. Semoga bermanfaat.
Materi Kelas 6 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "Globalization and its Benefits"
Materi Kelas 6 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "Globalization and its Benefits" 


Globalization, Helpful or Not?

When we go shopping at the supermarket, we find a variety of food and goods produced abroad. Various pasta from Italy, cheese from the Netherlands, plastic chairs made in China, or kitchen equipment made in Germany. some Indonesian products can be found abroad, such as canned rice, clotth and furniture made in Indonesia.

The ease of product exchange is one of the positive things about globalization. But we must be careful. Globalization can affect culture. The entry of foreign influences will indirectly bring cultural change in society. The cultural change can be a positive influence, but it is not impossible to bring negative influence.

ASEAN Community Free of Drugs

The era of globalization makes it easy for people in communication and transportation problems. As if making a world without limits. It also increases drug trafficking and trade throughout the world, including in Indonesia. Increasing drug crime will threat to safety, security and prosperity society. Indonesia cooperates with countries ASEAN countries arrange steps in achieve "ASEAN Drug Free 2015". All countries are mutual exchange information in terms of rehabilitation, prevention, and law enforcement on drug problems.

Why Should You Save Electricity?

Almost all human activities in this era of globalization need electricity. However, behind the benefits, electricity also has a negative impact.

The impact of energy waste is increasing the temperature of the Earth, or global warming. The increase in Earth's temperature is due to exhaust gases from electronic products such as air conditioners and refrigerators, as well as gas from combustion from motorized vehicles. The condition is exacerbated by the reduction of green land that serves as the dirty air washers.

Global warming makes the weather irregular, summer is very long and causes drought. Then melt icebergs in the northern and southern hemisphere. To avoid global warming, one of the ways that can be done is to make an attitude to save electricity.

Choose energy saving equipment, like replacing incandescent lights with lights energy saving.


Love Indonesian Products

Beni : Edo, why did you choose those shoes? This shoe seems better. This is made in Singapore!

Edo : I just choose this. These shoes are made by Cibaduyut, the quality is not inferior to foreign-made.

Beni :  Oya? Are you not ashamed to use domestic products?

Edo : Why, why should you be embarrassed? Precisely if we buy products from our own country, our money will continue to circulate in our own country.

Beni : Ooh, yeah ...

Edo : Yes, Beni, that's why I always choose to buy Indonesian products.

Beni :  Yes, I want to help the Indonesian people become more prosperous and will always buy domestic products


Answer the questions below correctly!

1. What is the positive impact on globalization?
Answer: Ease of product exchange

2. What’s the negative impacts of globalization in ASEAN countries?
Answer: Increase drug crime

3. How do ASEAN countries achieve "ASEAN Drug Free 2015?
Answer: Exchange information, prevention and law enforcement of drug problems

4. Another name to increase the temperature of the earth is ...
Answer: Global warming

5. What is the impact of wasteful electricity?
Answer: Rising earth temperature, making irregular weather, etc.

6. What does green land function in the era of globalization?
Answer: As a dirty air wash.

7. What's the worst increase caused by?
Answer: Exhaust gas of electronic products and combustion gases from vehicles

8. How to avoid global warming?
Answer: Choose energy saving equipment

9. “Cooperate” In Indonesian language is ...
Answer: Kerjasama

10. “Prevention” In Indonesian language is ...
Answer: Pencegahan


  • Luar negeri: Abroad
  • Pasta: Pastas
  • Keju: Cheese
  • Peralatan: Equipment
  • Hangat: Warm
  • Sulit: Difficult
  • Pengarajin: Craftsmen
  • Semakin lama: Increasingly
  • Meredakan: Ease
  • Pertukaran: Exchange
  • Mempengaruhi: Affect
  • Asing: Foreign
  • Pengaruh: Influence
  • Tidak langsung: Indirectly
  • Masyarakat: Society
  • Hal-Hal: Matters
  • Pencegahan: Prevention
  • Narkoba: Drug
  • Perdagangan: Trafficking
  • Termasuk: Including
  • Kerja sama: Cooperate
  • Saling: Mutual
  • Hukum: Law
  • Penegakan: Enforcement
  • Dampak: Impact
  • Knalpot: Exhaust
  • Pembakaran: Combustion
  • Senyawa: Compounded
  • Udara: Air
  • Kekeringan: Drought
  • Belahan bumi: Hemisphere
  • Hindari: Avoid

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