
Materi Kelas 6 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "Globalization and Love of the Motherland"

Materi Kelas 6 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "I Love Reading in Figure and Inventor" - Adik adik, pada kesempatan yang baik ini masih di bospedia, nah kali ini kakak ingin membagikan kepada adik adik mengenai materi yang mungkin adik adik butuhkan, materi ini kakak ambil dari mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris yang pembahasannya dalam "Globalization and Love of the Motherland" .  Materi ini bisa adik adik pelajari karena dilengkapi dengan cara Reading, Write, Vocabulary dan Taks yang bisa adik adik kerjakan dirumah. Semoga bermanfaat untuk adik adik Salam pendidikan dari bospedia.com. Semoga bermanfaat.

Materi Kelas 6 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "Globalization and Love of the Motherland"
Materi Kelas 6 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "Globalization and Love of the Motherland" 


Indonesia Launches First Solar Energy Academy Program in South East Asia

Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia (FTUI) launched the first "Solar Academy" in Southeast Asia, namely solar power education and training institutions. The launch was marked by the holding of the "Solar Energy for Our Future" seminar on Tuesday, July 24, 2012 at the University of Indonesia. The seminar was attended by energy experts from Germany, representatives from ASEAN, and the government as national energy policy makers.

Solar cells are thin plates made of silicon that can convert sunlight directly into electrical energy. This solar cell sheet was given a positive charge and a negative charge. When light hits the plate, it will trigger a positive charge to meet with a negative charge so that there is an electric current. With the development of technology, it is expected to find ways to improve the work efficiency of solar cells.

Let's Use Domestic Production!

Minister of ESDM campaigned "Movement I Love 100% Indonesia". Simultaneously all those present at the event used batik and shoes produced domestically.

And it is expected that the potential of the domestic market is very large, with a population of 230 million and almost 50 percent consisting of residents under the age of 29 years, must be used optimally through this movement. All parties are expected to prioritize the use of domestic products so that national independence can be built.

The "Cinta Indonesia" campaign program aims to increase public appreciation of domestic goods and services, and improve the image of Indonesia in the eyes of the international. It is expected that the domestic product market can be increased so that pressure on the industrial sector can be reduced and symptoms of labor reduction can be avoided.

I Love Indonesian Production

Globalization brings ease in the exchange of products. Technological advances cut the costs involved in shipping products to other countries. In the past, to protect domestic products from the invasion of other countries' products, the government imposed a high taxes on imported products. Therefore, imported products are not affordable by the wider community.

The price is expensive. Only a handful of people are can afford it. In the era of globalization, the demand for free trade between countries played down the possibility of imposing high taxes. As a result, domestic products must be willing to compete with various brands of foreign products.


Fill in the questions below correctly!

1. What is a solar system?
Answer: Thin plates made of silicon which can convert direct sunlight into electrical energy

2. What’s the triggers of a positive charge to meet a negative charge?
Answer: Light that hits the plate

3. Which university first is launching the "Solar Academy"?
Answer: University of Indonesia

4. What is the purpose of the "Cinta Indonesia" program?
Answer: Increase public appreciation of domestic goods and services and enhance the image of Indonesia in the eyes of the International.

5. Globalization brings convenience in the trade ...
Answer: Product exchange


  • Rekayasa: Engineering
  • Diluncurkan: Launched
  • Yaitu: Namely
  • Pendidikam: Education
  • Pelatihan: Training
  • Ditandai: Marked
  • Memegang: Holding
  • Masa depan: Future
  • Dihadiri: Attended
  • Pakar: Experts
  • Terjangkau: Affordable
  • Kemerdekaan: Independen
  • Dalam negeri: Domestic
  • Di bangun: Built
  • Meningkat: Increased
  • Mengurangi: Reduce
  • Tekanan: Pressure
  • Buruh: Labor
  • Dihindari: Avoided
  • Biaya: Cost
  • Pengiriman: Shipping
  • Terjangkau: Affordable
  • Perdagangan: Trade
  • Memaksakan: Imposing
  • Kemungkinan: Possibility
  • Bersaing: Compete
  • Asing: Foreign
  • Perwakilan: Representatives
  • Pemerintah: Government
  • Biaya: Costs
  • Berbagai: Various
  • Negara: Countries
  • Lebih luas: Wider
  • Rela: Willing
  • Merek: Brands
  • Pajak: Taxes
  • Antara: Between
  • Permintaan: Demand

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