
Materi Kelas 5 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "Literacy in Ecosystem"

Materi Kelas 5 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "Literacy in Ecosystem" - Halo adik adik yang baik, kembali lagi ni, kali ini kakak ingin membagikan kepada adik adik mengenai materi yang telah kakak susun, materi ini kakak ambil dari mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas V SD/MI mengenai "Literacy in Ecosystem". Materi ini bisa adik adik pelajari karena dilengkapi dengan cara Reading, Write, Vocabulary dan Taks yang bisa adik adik kerjakan dirumah. Semoga bermanfaat untuk adik adik Salam pendidikan dari bospedia.com. Semoga bermanfaat.

Materi Kelas 5 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "Literacy in Ecosystem"
Materi Kelas 5 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "Literacy in Ecosystem"


The javanese Rhino

The javanese Rhino is live in the tip of Kulon forest, West Java. Rino is friendly with Kila rabbit and Tupi squirrel. One day Kila and Tupi saw Rino sad. Rino is sad because Rino is worried about being captured by poachers, because the Java rhino are few in number and are targeted by poachers. Hunters want the Javan Rhino because of its high price.

The next day Kila and Tupi see the poachers going to shoot Rino. Tupi and Kila jumped into the poachers, Rino realized and immediately ran. Tupi and Kila immediately followed Rino to the forest. Rino also thanked to Tupi and Kila for helping Rino from the poacher.

Lila was invited by her auntie to the beach to see the mangrove forest, initially Lila refused, because she wanted to know that she was finally joined too. Aunt Mia stay at Lila's house in Medan. They plan to go to the Bakau Beach. The trip take 2 hours from Lila's house. Lila followed aunt Mia to bring mangrove seeds. And they started planting the mangrove seeds. Lila look small fish and marine biota hiding in the roots of plants. Lila is also busy planting mangrove trees.

Planting Mangroves

The mangrove area is the place where children of fish, shrimp and crabs live, they can hiding in the roots of mangroves, if they are older they will go to the sea. The main function of mangrove plants is to hold sea abrasion, namely erosion of land caused sea water. Lila becomes know, there are many benefits of the mangrove plants.


Answer the question!

1. Where is the Rhino comefrom?
Answer: West Java

2. Why is the number of Rhino decrease?
Answer: Because rhino are targeted by poachers for sale at high pice

3. Who helped Rino?
Answer: Kila and Tupi

4. How Tupi and Kila helped Rino from poachers?
Answer: Tupi and Kila jumped into the poa

5. What is the message from the story “The javanese Rhino”?
Answer: We have to help with friends

6. Mention the characters in the story!
Answer: Lila and Aunt Mia

7. What the plants are planting on the beach?
Answer: Mangrove

8. Mention the animals that live in mangrove roots!
Answer: Fish, shrimp and crab

9. What are the benefits of the mangrove for the environment?
Answer: To resist sea abrasion, place to live marine life

10. “ Mangrove” in Indonesian language is ...
Answer: Bakau


Menanam: Planting
Bakau: Mangrove
Diajak: Invited
Tante: Aunt
Pantai: Beach
Melihat: See
Hutan bakau: Mangrove forest
Awalnya: Initially
Menolak: Refuse
Stay: Tinggal
Rencana: Plan
Membutuhkan: need
Hours: Jam
Mengikuti: Followed
Membawa: Bring
Biji: Seed
Laut: Marine
Bersembunyi: Hiding
Akar: Root
Udang: Shrimp
Kepiting: Crab
Tua: Older
Mencegah: Hold
Abrasi: Abrasion
Karena: because
Manfaat: Benefit
Badak: Rhino
Tinggal: Live
Ujung: Tip
Hutan: Forest
Barat: West
Berteman: Friendly
Tupai: Squirrel
Pemburu liar:Poacher
Harga tinggi: High price
Sedih: Sad
Cemas: Worried
Ditangkap: Captured
Sedikit: Few
Incaran: Targeted
Menyadari: Realized
Berlari: Ran
Berkurang: Decrease

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