
Materi Kelas 5 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "How the Body Treats Clean Air"

Materi Kelas 5 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "Tenses" - Halo adik adik yang baik, nah pada kesempatan kali ini masih bersama kakak yang selalu menemani adik adik dengan cara memberikan berbagai materi untuk menunjang proses belajar adik adik dirumah maupun disekolah, nah kali ini kakak ingin membagikan Materi Kelas 5 SD/MI dalam mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris tentang "How the Body Treats Clean Air". Materi ini bisa adik adik pelajari karena dilengkapi dengan cara Reading, Write, Vocabulary dan Taks yang bisa adik adik kerjakan dirumah. Semoga bermanfaat untuk adik adik Salam pendidikan dari bospedia.com. Semoga bermanfaat.
Materi Kelas 5 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "How the Body Treats Clean Air"


Dayu and Ornamental Fish

Dayu maintain ornamental fish of the type goldfish. The fish is kept in aquarium. Everyday Dayu feed the fish. Once a week Dayu cleaning the aquarium. Dayu like to see a fish in a free swimming aquarium. Dayu watched the fish’s mouth open and close, the fish always swallow water. Dayu ask what is the fish doing?


Answer question according to the text!

Dayu and Ornamental Fish

1. What kind of fish is maintained?
Answer : Goldfish

2. Who cares for ornamental fish?
Answer : Dayu

3. Where the fish is kept?
Answer : Aquarium

4. When is the aquarium cleaned?
Answer : Once a week

5. What did Dayu notice when he
saw ornamental fish?
Answer : Dayu watched the fish’s mmouth open and close


Respiratory In Animals

The respiratory system in animals :

1. Worm
The Worms breathe through the surface of the skin. Worm skin is always wet and slimy to facilitate absorption of oxygen from the air.

2. Insects
The Insects breathe by sucking oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide through the trachea.

3. Fish
The Fish breathe with gills, gills pink and moist

4. Frogs
The Frogs including amphibians that can be lived in water and land. While still tadpoles the frogs live in water, and breathe with gills. The Frogs also breathe with skin.

5. Reptile
The Examples of reptile animals are snakes, lizards, crocodiles. reptile animals breathe using lung.

6. Bird
The Birds breathe with lungs. lungs in birds are located in the chest cavity. birds breathe air when not flying, when flying birds do not breathe air.

7. Mammals
There are 2 types of mammals, namely land mammals and water mammals. examples of land mammals are goats, cows, buffaloes, horses. Water mammals are whales, dolphins. The Mammalian respirators are the nose, base of the throat, windpipe, and lung.


Answer the following question!


That afternoon Lani and family were sitting on the terrace of the fouse. Lani has a flower garden in front of the house.

The atmosphere on the terrace fells cool. Suddenly Lani coughed because she smelled smoke. Seen someone is burn wet rubbish leaves. The smoke from the rubbish was very thick. The air contaminated by smoke.


Day of Planting Trees

Indonesia is the lungs of the world because there are vast forests, but now our forests are reduced because fires or illegal logging. The government and the society are trying to reduce damage with replanting trees in the environment.

November 28 is celebrated as the day of planting trees. The trees planted various kinds, including trees that produce fruit. We can plant in the forest and our environment. The more trees in our environment, the more oxygen for life.


The Day of Planting Tress
Answer question according to the text!

1. What is being done?
Answer : Plant trees

2. When is the Tree Planting Day?
Answer : November 28

3. Why do we have to plant tress?
Answer : In the forest and our environment

4. Who did it?
Answer : The government and society

5. Where are the activities carried out?
Answer : Various kinds of trees planted

6.What the trees are planted?
Answer : Because the more trees in our environment, the more oxygen for life.


  • Ikan hias: Ornamental fish
  • Memelihara: Maintain
  • Goldfish: Ikan koki
  • Dipelihara: Kept
  • Makan: Feed
  • Membersihkan: Cleaning
  • Melihat: See/watched
  • Bebas: Free
  • Berenang: Swimming
  • Mulut: Mouth
  • Menelan: Swallow
  • Bertanya: Ask
  • Pernaasan:Respiratory
  • Cacing: Worm
  • Melalui: Through
  • Permukaan: Survace
  • Kulit: Skin
  • Berlendir: Slimy
  • Memudahkan: Facilitate
  • Penyerapan: Absorption
  • Menghisap: Sucking
  • Melepaskan: Releasing
  • Insang: Gills
  • Lembab: Moist
  • Termasuk: Including
  • Amfibi: Amphibian
  • Tanah: Land
  • Masih: Still
  • Berudu: Tadpoles
  • Paru – paru: Lung
  • Rongga dada: Chest cavity
  • Paus: Whales
  • Lumba lumba: Dolphins
  • Throat: Tenggorokan
  • Windpipe: Batang tenggorok
  • Duduk: Sitting
  • Depan: Front
  • Teras: Terrace
  • Terasa: Feel
  • Tiba tiba: Suddenly
  • Batuk: Couhed
  • Mencuim: Smelled
  • Asap: Smoke
  • Bakar: Burn
  • Basah: Wet
  • Sampah: Rubbish
  • Daun: Leaf
  • Tebal: Thick
  • Tercemar: Contaminated
  • Menanam: Planting
  • Pohon: Tress
  • Dunia: World
  • Luas: Vast
  • Hutan: Forest
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