
Materi Kelas 6 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "I Love Reading in Entrepreneurship"

Materi Kelas 6 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "I Love Reading Entrepreneurship" - Adik adik yang baik, pada kesempatan kali ini kakak ingin membagikan kepada adika dik mengenai materi yang kakak susun untuk adik adik yang duduk dibangku kelas VI SD/MI, materi ini kakak ambil dari mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris mengenai "I Love Reading in Entrepreneurship".  Materi ini bisa adik adik pelajari karena dilengkapi dengan cara Reading, Write, Vocabulary dan Taks yang bisa adik adik kerjakan dirumah. Semoga bermanfaat untuk adik adik Salam pendidikan dari bospedia.com. Semoga bermanfaat.

Materi Kelas 6 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "I Love Reading in Unity Diference"
Materi Kelas 6 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "I Love Reading in Unity Diference" 


King Of Parakeets

A long time ago, the King of Parakeets and his folk lived peacefully in the forests of Aceh. They live happily and enjoy various seeds and fruits in the forest. But their peace was disturbed because of the hunter. Many birds are trapped in the cage with the adhesive. All sad and panic. King of Parakeets ask the folk to be dead, so the hunter will throw it away. When it will throw the last bird, the King of Parakeets, the hunter slipped, all the birds were shocked and flying high leave the king.

At first, the hunter wants to slaughter the bird, but the king of birds begs if he stays alive would entertain with singing. Every day the King of Birds sings, nbeautiful sounds are heard until the palace. So the King of man calls hunters to exchange birds with gold.

The hunter then exchanged the Parakeet King with gold. The human king put the bird in a beautiful and large golden cage, the King of man was very like of the King of Parakeets, every day he was given good food and his duty was only to sing to the human king but the King of Parakeets longed for the forest and its people.

One day, the parakeet king pretended to be dead, and soon a burial ceremony was held, when the ceremony was prepared, the King of the Parakeet was placed outside the cage and then fly high into the forest. The King of Parakeet was welcomed with his folk. The Parakeet King has returned to the forest, they have gathered and enjoyed the peace of the forest together.


Answer the questions below properly and correctly!

1. Mention the characters in the story!
Answer: King of parakeets, king of human, hunter

2. What the tricks do birds make to be free of hunters?
Answer: To pretended dead

3. What is the duty of King Parakeets to Human King?
Answer: Singing

4. What is the character of the Parakeet King?
Answer: Clever, cering, and wise

5. How the King Of Parakeets returned to the forest?
Answer: With pretending to dead and fly when the burial is prepared


Write conclusion from story “The King Of Parakeets”!

We have to be smart and good people, because people are smart and well liked by many people

We must not catch animals carelessly and must participate


Craftsmen from Garut

Mr. Samad is a slippers craftsman from Garut. A long time ago , Mr. Samad was a seller of leather slippers, he sells by walking from village to village and then to Jakarta to sell leather slippers from the factory. From starting to sell he knows the desires of the buyer, the buyer's favorite model. Then Mr. Samad learned to make slippers, and begin experiment with various models of homemade slippers. And the products from Mr. Samad are enjoyed by consumers. Learning never stops, making Mr. Samad business to grow. The different between Garut’s slippers and the others is new model and uses quality material.

Mr. Samad also had the opportunity to participate in introducing his product and invited to work with exporters from abroad. Now Mr. Samad’s slippers product go abroad. Simple models with good quality material and stitches make slippers preferred by people abroad.


Answer the question below properly and correctly!

1. Who is Mr. Samad?
Answer: A leather slipper craftsman from Garut

2. How did Mr. Samad start his business?
Answer: By selling slipper

3. How did Mr. Samad expand his business?
Answer: By learning and experiment

4. What the attitude does Mr. Samad have?
Answer: Never give up and work hard

5. “Opportunity” in Indonesian language is ...
Answer: Kesempatan


  • Raja: King
  • Parkit: Parakeet
  • Dahulu kala: Long ago
  • Damai: Peacefully
  • Hutan: Forest
  • Senang: Happy
  • Santai: Enjoy
  • Berbagai: Various
  • Biji: Seed
  • Buah: Fruit
  • Kedamaian: Peace
  • Terganggu: Disturbed
  • Pemburu: Hunter
  • Terjebak: Trapped
  • Sangkar: Cage
  • Perekat: Adhesive
  • Sedih: Sad
  • Panik: Panic
  • Rakyat: Folk
  • Mati: Dead
  • Membuangnya: Throw it away
  • Terpeleset: Slipped
  • Kaget: Shocked
  • Meninggalkan: Leave
  • Menyembelih: Slaughter
  • Memohon: Begged
  • Tetap: Remained
  • Hidup: Alive
  • Menghibur: Entertaining
  • Bernyanyi: Singing
  • Suara: Sound
  • Terdengar: Heard
  • Sampai: Until
  • Istana: Palace
  • Menukar: Exchange
  • Emas: Gold
  • Meletakkan: Put
  • Tugas: Duty
  • Pura- pura: Pretended
  • Pemakaman: Burial
  • Berbeda: Different
  • Bahan: Material
  • Mempunyai: Had
  • Kesempatan: Opportunity
  • Partisipasi: Participate
  • Memperkenalkan :Introducing
  • Diajak: Invited
  • Luarnegeri: Abroad
  • Jahitan: Stitches
  • Lebih disukai: Preferred
  • Disiapkan: Prepared
  • Diluar: Outside
  • Terbang: Flew
  • Kembali: Returned
  • Berkumpul: Gathered
  • Tugas: Duty
  • Pengrajin: Craftsmen
  • Sandal: Slippers
  • Penjual: Seller
  • Kulit: Leather
  • Menjual: Sells
  • Berjalan: Walking
  • Desa: Village
  • Pabrik: Factory
  • Keinginan: Wishes
  • Pembeli: Buyer
  • Belajar: Learned
  • Mulai: Begin
  • Percobaan: Experimen
  • Tumbuh: Grow
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