
Materi Kelas 6 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "Come on, Learn Entrepreneurship"

Materi Kelas 6 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "Come on, Learn Entrepreneurship" - Adik adik yang baik, pada kesempatan kali ini masih bersama kakak bospedia, kali ini kakak ingin membagikan kepada adik adik yang duduk dibangku kelas VI SD/MI mengenai materi yang sudah kakak susun dan rangkum, materi ini kakak ambil dari mata pelajaran semester ganjil yaitu Bahasa Inggris tentang "Come on, Learn Entrepreneurship".  Materi ini bisa adik adik pelajari karena dilengkapi dengan cara Reading, Write, Vocabulary dan Taks yang bisa adik adik kerjakan dirumah. Semoga bermanfaat untuk adik adik Salam pendidikan dari bospedia.com. Semoga bermanfaat.
Materi Kelas 6 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "Come on, Learn Entrepreneurship"
Materi Kelas 6 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "Come on, Learn Entrepreneurship" 


The Produce of Creativity

Mrs. Made Yuliani is an entrepreneur person who uses falling flowers to make fragrance products, the examples are natural soaps, body moisturizers, air fresheners. In entrepreneurship, creativity is very important, flowers that cannot be used can be transformed into works of art that have selling value. Customers of Mrs. Made's products come from domestic and overseas.

1. What material does Mrs. Made make for the business?
Answer: Fallen flowers

2. What are the business benefits for the environment?
Answer: The environment is clean, not pollute the environment

3. What can you learn from the way of Mrs Made to be an entrepreneurship?
Answer: We must be creative to run the business

Make a Thread Bracelet

Man is a 12-year-old boy from the Sasak tribe from Sade Village Lombok. Man sells thread bracelets. Man and his friends make their own thread bracelets. After school Man and his friends sell bracelets on the beach, with prices of 5,000 to 15,000. In one day Man can sell 5 to 6 thread bracelets. The Sales results used to increase the pocket money and school needs . In the afternoon, Man and friends go home to do the school assignments.

At night, Man makes thread bracelet to sell tomorrow. Man is very proud because the bracelets made by Man are praised by tourists, bracelets from thread are unique and creative. We must be creative in using free time.


Udin: “I am amazed by the products made by Mr. Gino, I want to be a successful entrepreneur like you. How did Mr. Gino initially start this business?”

Mr. Gino: “My father is a wood craftsman, since a long time ago I have often helped my father. He always make toys from the rest of the wood. The toy helped me easily understand mathematics. I also want to make various wooden toys to help children”

Siti: “So that business can be started with the skills, hobbies and creativity that we have, I like to try various recipes, can I open a cake business later?”

Udin: “I like playing football, what can I do with my business, do I make a ball?”

Mr. Gino: “It can also, if we have an interest in something, ideas, and creativity will develop by itself”

Udin: “Thank you Mr. Gino for the knowledge that you gave us”

Mr. Gino: “You are welcome, I am very happy to see you, have big dreams”

In the afternoon, Udin and friends met with Mr. Gino. Mr. Gino is a successful entrepreneur who likes to share knowledge. He started his business by making educational wooden toys. Currently the products are used in playgrounds.


Answer the questions below properly and correctly!

1. What is the product has made By Man ?
Answer: Thread bracelet

2. Where does Man sell his product?
Answer: In the beach

3. What is the price of the product sold by Man?
Answer: 5,000 to 15,000

4. When Man make bracelets from the thread?
Answer: At night

5. What is the porpose of Man selling?
Answer: Used to increase pocket money and school needs

6. Who is Mr. Gino?
Answer: A successful entrepreneur

7. What are the pruduct made Mr.Gino?
Answer: Wooden toys

8. What’s the material does Mr. Gino use to make the product?
Answer: Wood

9. How did Mr. Gino start making this product?
Answer: Because initially Mr. Gino's father was a wooden craftsman who often made wooden toys used to calculate mathematics

10. Mention 3 things to do star a business!
Answer: Skills, Hobbies and Creativity


  • Berbuah: Fruitful
  • Berwirausaha: Entrepreneurship
  • Memanfaatkan: Utilizing
  • Jatuh: Fallen
  • Pewangi: Fragrance
  • Sabun: Soap
  • Pelembab tubuh: Body moisturizer
  • Pewangi ruangan: Air freshener
  • Dirubah: Transformed
  • Dalam negeri: Domestic
  • Luar negeri: Overseas
  • Kesempatan: Opportunity
  • Pengrajin kayu: Craftsman
  • Mainan: Toys
  • Mudah: Easy
  • Kayu: Wooden
  • Berusia: Aged
  • Desa: Village
  • Menjual: Sells
  • Benang: Thread
  • Gelang: Bracelets
  • Menambah: Increase
  • Uang jajan: Pocket money
  • Barang: Goods
  • Tugas: Assignment
  • Bangga: Proud
  • Memuji: Praised
  • Unik: Unique
  • Kreatif: Creative
  • Waktu luang: Free time
  • Sukses: Successful
  • Wirausahawan: Entrepreneur
  • Ilmu: Knowledge
  • Pendidikan: Educational
  • Wood: Kayu
  • Paham: Understand
  • Mainan: Toy
  • Sekarang: Currently
  • Kagum: Amazed
  • Mulanya: Initially
  • Variasi: Various
  • Keterampilan: Skill
  • Hobi: Hobbies
  • Kreativitas: Creativity
  • Berkembang: Develop
  • Resep: Reciped
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